Flexible Power Capacity Expansion
Project 1: Energy storage system in the rubber-tired gantry cranes
- Country: Thailand
- Configuration:
Power conversion system (PCS) 100kW
Battery system 300 kWh
DC-DC battery charger
Solution: Rubber-tired gantry crane (RTG) is used to stack and retrieve containers in ports. It would consume a lot of power during lifting and generate power during descending. Considering the situation, a battery storage system works with the grid to supply power to the RTG cranes together. By doing so, cranes will work well even though they have higher demand for power. In addition, the power generated by RTG cranes during descending will be stored in the energy storage system.
Project 2: Energy Storage System as Supplemental Power
- Country: Germany
- Configurations: GRES 225-150
GRES 150-100
GRES 75-50
- Solution: When there is a shortage of electricity during peak power-consumption hours, but the application for expansion of power capacity is a complicated process that requires more investment in addition to a slow approval process, and when the peak hours are short, expansion of power capacity is not the best choice, energy storage systems would work well. This project aims at meeting high power demand of mechanical facilities and charging stations when the power grid fails to provide enough power.